Didactics Projects

Okres realizacji:
PLN 69,960.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr n. med. Małgorzata Wojciechowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) are the major cause of cardiovascular mortality. The main factor affecting worse prognoses in patients with ACS is the size of the ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). The size of this injury is influenced by the co-existing diseases and cardiovascular risk factors. Unfortunately, there are no effective methods and tools enabling prognostic assessment of the IRI size, and thus enabling better planning of individual procedure in the event that ACS occurs in increased-risk patients. The interest of the researchers searching for an innovative biomarker is focused on miRNA molecules circulating in blood. These are short non-coding RNAs with a length of approximately 22 nucleotides which mediate in silencing of the expression of genes. They regulate metabolism of cardiomyocytes and therefore change the exposure of the cardiac muscle to injuries.

The subject-matter of the project is a prospective study aiming at the assessment whether exosomal miRNAs may be a useful prognostic marker for the size of the ischemia-reperfusion injury. We propose an innovative approach consisting in an analysis of the miRNA molecules’ profile inside the circulating exosomes which are affected by particular risk-factors.

These studies will enable better assessment of patients’ prognoses and implementation of more adequate treatment methods to decrease ACS-related mortality. This corresponds with the subject-matter of the programme in the scope of conducting scientific research or development studies, in particular those aimed at creating or modernisation of technologies or technical solutions, and in promotion of their results; yet, in the future perspective, also by means of potential transfer of the results of the conducted scientific research or developmental studies to the economic sphere. The study focuses on civilisation diseases creating fundamental economic and social problems. The results obtained will help development of solutions, within local, national, as well as international range, which are to contribute to solving those problems in a better way, and thanks to which, contribute to better social development of the country. Laboratory research will be conducted in the Academic Department and Institute of Experimental and Clinical Physiology of the MUW’s Pre-Clinical Research Centre. The exosomes will be isolated with column chromatography method from serum taken by medical personnel from patients admitted to Szpital Zachodni in Grodzisk Mazowiecki due to acute myocardial infarction.  RNA will be isolated from the received exosomes and expression of particular miRNA molecules will be assessed. From the patients of Szpital Zachodni in Grodzisk Mazowiecki included in the study, by means of echocardiographic examination, we will obtain information regarding the size of the area of cardiac muscle affected by the infarction and its systolic and diastolic function. Additionally, we will estimate the risk of cardiovascular mortality in each examined patient; we will measure the waist circumference, make a body composition analysis and the body mass index (BMI) will be calculated. These data will be juxtaposed with the level of expression of particular miRNA, selected based on previous research into their possible influence on the exposure of the cardiac muscle to the ischemia-reperfusion injury. The patients will be subject to a 6-month observation, during which we will collect data on the cardiovascular mortality and non-mortal infarction or stroke, repeated hospitalisation due to cardiological reasons, which will also be juxtaposed with the initial miRNA expression in order to estimate their prognostic value.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 69,684.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr n. med. Bernadetta Kałuża
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

Empty or partially empty sella turcica (PES) is the effect of invagination of the subarachnoid space filled with cerebrospinal fluid through the diaphragm into the sella, causing pressure and flattening of the pituitary gland of different degrees of advancement. This phenomenon may refer to as much as 35% of the population, originally being the effect of a congenital lack of sella’s diaphragm or its weakening caused by changes in intracranial pressure as well as changes in the volume of the pituitary gland, e.g. during pregnancy, and it may be secondarily triggered by diaphragm injury, e.g. as a result of a stroke. The recognised PES risk factors are: female sex, obesity, arterial hypertension. It is known that even in as many as 5-30% of PES patients there may occur disorders within more than one hormonal axis. The PES is most frequently an accidental finding, diagnosed during CNS imaging examinations, in particular the MRI. Although this phenomenon is more and more frequently diagnosed, there are no standards of procedure developed for patients with such a diagnosis. It is not known how often pituitary MRI and hormonal profile assessment should be performed, or whether the image of the pituitary gland changes in the long-term observation. It was not established what, apart from e.g. the degree of pituitary flattening, may cause hormonal disorders which do not occur in all PES patients, as well as whether these disorders are permanent. In view of the severe consequences, such as effects of hypopituitarism and secondary adrenal insufficiency or hyperprolactinemia and the possibility of infertility development in PES patients, when the diagnosis is made more and more frequently, it seems greatly justified to thoroughly examine this subject.

The planned project involves assessment examination of patients (n=43) in which primary PES was diagnosed based on CNS MRI performed in the Institute of Radiology Diagnostics of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration (CSK MSWiA) in Warsaw. Clinical, hormonal and imaging assessment will be conducted in the patients. Students taking part in the project will be involved in each stage of its development: patients’ examination, collection of data and their elaboration, learning and conducting of statistical analysis, preparation and writing of scientific publications under the supervision of senior colleagues (e.g. the supervisor of the Club is a statistician). The students will be able to improve their interpersonal and self-presentation skills when working in the team as well as public presentations during the summary seminars and conferences to be organised.

Thus, the aim of the study is to determine the hormonal profile and clinical and imaging characteristics of PES patients with an assessment of the change dynamics within the examined parameters, which may contribute to the development of standards of procedure among this group of patients, as well as an introduction for the students of medicine to the professional and research work through their participation in the project implementation and promotion.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 70,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Katarzyna Sykłowska-Baranek
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The project’s objective is to develop a biocosmetic containing plant stem cells from in vitro cultures. The implementation of the main objective of the project will be divided into four interconnected specific objectives.

The first specific objective to be implemented will be the optimization of the cultivation conditions of plant stem cells derived from Polyscias filicifolia (Araliaceae) and Larrea tridentata (Zygophyllaceae) species. Callus tissue and suspension cultures will be cultivated.

The second project objective will involve phytochemical examination of the plant material obtained from the invitro cultures.

The third objective will be to carry out research into the biological activity of the stem cells of the human fibroblasts in vitro culture model and with the use of non-cellular biochemical testing.

The fourth objective will be to develop a cosmetic containing the plant stem cells or extract from stem cells.

The results and experience obtained will allow for future implementation of a series of other novelty projects based on the use of in vitro cultures for the production of plant stem cells for cosmetic purposes. Taking into consideration the rising market demand for anti-aging cosmetics containing plant stem cells and the progress made in the field of plant biotechnology, the research and development formula of the project brings in a significant usefulness of the project.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 70,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr n. med. Małgorzata Wojciechowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

In view of the increasing rate of heart failure (HF) cases, this disease is subject to intensive research, both experimental and clinical. HF is divided into heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) caused most often by myocardial infarction, and that with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), for which the predisposing factors include advanced age and such civilisational diseases as hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Typical symptoms of both HFpEF and HFrEF are fatigue, dyspnoea and oedemas. Regardless of the ejection fraction, patients with the most severe form of heart failure, i.e. NYHA IV, are in the group in which the annual mortality rate is as high as 40%. The description of nitrosative stress in cardiomyocytes has become a breakthrough discovery in understanding of the HFpEF pathomechanism. It was proven that apart from HFpEF, increased level of iNOS also occurs after myocardial infarction leading to HFrEF, or after long-term application of high-fat diet leading to metabolic syndrome, which predispose patients to HFpEF.  The first stage of our project consisted in conducting an experiment on rats which were divided into 4 groups, depending on the procedure conducted. From the 4th week of life, half of the rats were fed with high-fat diet (it contributed to the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome which is a significant risk factor for the occurrence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction), and the other half was fed with standard diet. In the 8th week of life, coronary artery ligation surgeries were conducted (leading to post-infarction heart failure) or simulated operations. In the 12th week of life, left ventricle muscles were taken from all individuals and then frozen for future laboratory analyses. The second stage of the project assumes inclusion to the study two groups of 40 patients with diagnosed, respectively, HFpEF or HFrEF. The patients will be assessed in terms of co-existence of diabetes, hypertension and obesity; they will have marked the basic laboratory parameters (lipid profile, HBA1C) and echocardiography made with the analysis of the ejected fraction and left ventricular diastolic function. Apart from that, blood will be taken from the patients, which will be transported to the Centre for Pre-clinical Research and Technology (CePT) in order that assays are made with ELISA method.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 60,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Łukasz Kołtowski
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The organiser of the workshop is the Laboratory of the Invasive Cardiology of the 1st Academic and Clinical Department of the Medical University of Warsaw that boasts significant experience within the subject-matter of the workshop in terms of clinical application of the above-mentioned diagnostic method. The workshop is addressed both to the personnel of the MUW University Clinical Centre (UCK WUM) and cardiologists from other centres in Poland. The following topics will be discussed during the workshop: – Intravascular assessment techniques with the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) – Assessment and interpretation of OCT images and recognition of artefacts. Morphometric analysis of atherosclerotic plaques. Procedure planning and selection of stents. Interpretation of images in acute coronary syndromes. Identification of high-risk plaques (qualitative assessment). Practical courses in the invasive cardiology laboratory will be conducted in intravascular imaging with the use of optical coherent tomography.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 260,940.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Aleksandra Maria Wesołowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

Breastfeeding women are routinely excluded from clinical studies; it also refers to the research into COVID-19 vaccine. The only data on the safety of vaccination during lactation period come from post-marketing or spontaneous notifications of suspected adverse events. Lack of current clinical data raises a lot of doubts as regards the safety and risk of the vaccination in this group during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

The aim of the study is urgent counteraction against adverse consequences of this situation, which are shortening of the breastfeeding period or rejection of vaccination in the lactation period. The project will fill in the niche in the knowledge regarding the effectiveness and safety of pharmacotherapy in the breastfeeding period through delivery of a tool assessing vaccination complications in the lactation period.

We will make use of the experience of the Institute for Women’s Health, UCL, in London in the application of the Delphi procedure for achieving a group consensus among experts worldwide on the scale of adverse events of medical interventions, including vaccination, in the lactation period and their effects on the mother and child in perinatal period.  An interdisciplinary panel of experts representing entities supporting breastfeeding and research institutions will work in order to exchange experience regarding safety of pharmacotherapy, so as adverse events of medicines applied during lactation are clearly defined.  Moreover, a study regarding the supervision over COVID-19 vaccine will be conducted in 100 breastfeeding women in Poland. There will be prepared a register of the vaccinated breastfeeding women based on the clinical data compiled and proposal of terminology regarding adverse events during lactation will be evaluated and validated.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 277,680.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Wojciech Feleszko
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The objective of the project is to develop an international consensus and procedure algorithm in cooperation with the experts of the Immunology Section Working Group of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). In EAACI, there was appointed a 23-person international Working Group which, under this project, will perform regular checks, data analysis and will clarify the immunological mechanisms in MIS-C. The group will subsequently propose a clinical algorithm for the diagnostics and treatment of severe MIS-C, based on the cooperation between the basic sciences and clinicians from 11 countries. We will propose an international strategy for the understanding of the MIS-C mechanisms, diagnostics and procedure.

At the same time, under the project, we are planning to do research into the populations of virus-specific lymphocytic cells in mucosa samples taken non-invasively from MIS-C patients’ nasal cavities and shifts within those populations in the inflamattory tissues in acute phase of MIS-C and in health. The samples of nasal mucosa will be taken from 20 patients in Warsaw and Rotterdam in autumn 2021. At the University Medical Centre in Leiden there will be conducted mass cytometry and analysis of cell populations in affected tissues as well as investigation of their correlations with the PIMS/MIS-C clinic. This research will provide a unique insight into the dynamics and the gist of immunological phenomena in MIS-C mucosa.

Project Partners:
Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland Teaching Hospital and Leiden University Medical Centre.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 127,320.00
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. dr hab. Joanna Gotlib
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The project involves the development of guidelines for conducting effective promotion activity in social media regarding COVID-19 vaccination and addressed to Generation Z nursing students. The research model will use the mixed method (integrating the collection of quantitative and qualitative data). The basic prerequisite for this methodology is the fact that such interference allows for more complex and more synergic use of data than separate collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.

Together with our partner from Ireland, there will be developed a plan of future campaign for health and vaccination addressed to young people. The result of the project will be the development of a catalogue of good practices applied when developing effective social media campaigns regarding vaccination addressed to young people, mainly nursing students.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 242,436.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Monika Franczak - Rogowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

According to MUW’s Development Strategy for the years 2017-2020, the main current needs of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the context of internationalisation are: opening of English Division at the Faculty of Pharmacy, preparation of scientific and didactic staff in terms of conducting courses in multi-cultural environment, starting cooperation with foreign lecturers.

The aim of the project will be the increase in internationalisation of the MUW’s Faculty of Pharmacy by means of preparation and implementation of 2 editions of the English-language programme “Different levels of drug interaction” (VaLDIs).

The target group of the project will be 100 people (50F and 50M) – foreign students (from 2nd semester of the 3rd year of studies) – with basic knowledge of pharmacology, interested in broadening their knowledge of interactions of pharmacologically-active substances at the level of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with other healing substances and food ingredients, food supplements and herbs.

Planned activity:

- increase in the competences of academic teachers of the MUW’s Faculty of Pharmacy in: conducting e-courses, inter-cultural communication and communication targeted at cooperation-building,

- promotional activities and recruitment of programme participants,

- substantive preparation of the programme,

- implementation of 2 editions of VaLDIs programme, with the participation of the visiting professor: first pilot one, second edition modified as per the evaluation results for the 1st edition,

- purchase of necessary equipment and materials essential for conducting the programme.

Benefits from the project: preparation of scientific and didactic staff of MUW’s Faculty of Pharmacy in terms of conducting courses in multi-cultural environment, in on-line formula; scientific and didactic staff’s acquisition of practical experience in preparation and implementation of the intensive international education programme (IMPK); implementation of the first intensive international education programme at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 20,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
Nadzór sprawuje Dział Projektów Dydaktycznych
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The Mobility in Higher Education project benefits from a EUR 20 000 grant received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EOG funds.

The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation in the field of staff mobility between Medical University of Warsaw and partner institutions.

The Education Programme (Program Edukacja) was developed under the international agreement on the implementation of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021. The objective of the Programme is to diminish the economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and strengthen the bilateral relations between Poland and Donor-Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) within education.

Component 2 Mobility in higher education is dedicated to:

  1. students – mobility and internships;
  2. for university staff – conducting didactic courses in host countries, participation in seminars, trainings, workshops and conferences; “job shadowing” visits.
Okres realizacji:
PLN 60,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. dr hab. Sebastian Granica
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The objective of the project is scientific research to be conducted by pharmacy and medical analytics students as part of their activity in the Student Scientific Club “Herbarium” by the MUW Academic Department of Pharmacognosy and Molecular Bases of Phytotherapy. The work within the Club involves students’ implementation of research projects focused on searching for new medical applications for traditionally applied plant extracts and chemical compounds they contain. The cooperation within the Club is based on the mentee-mentor relationship. The student takes an attempt at solving a scientific problem under the supervision of experienced scientific staff. He or she learns new research techniques and principles of conducting scientific studies. The key objective of the project is to find among the traditionally applied plant extracts and the natural substances they contain, new innovative applications in the form of medicines dedicated to treat inflammatory-derived diseases. As part of the studies, the students in the Club will also have an opportunity to improve their soft skills. In particular, impact will be put on the principles of teamwork when conducting research studies and techniques of presenting the results of the conducted studies.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 70,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
mgr. inż. Mateusz Kawka
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aim of the project is to develop a platform for generating heterologous protein, based on continuous expression systems and transition expression in two selected model plant species from Nicotiana type. The implementation of the main goal of the project will be divided into three interrelated specific goals:

  1. Design of plasmid vectors for the expression of selected heterologous protein in plant cells for the expression of recombinant protein in plant cells and their proliferation.
  2. Transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the designed plasmid vectors.
  3. Transformation of plant biomass.

The main result of the project will be the development of a universal technology of generating heterologous protein in plant biomass in the continuous and transitional expression systems.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 366,765.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Edyta Krzych-Fałta
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aim of the project is to prepare the MUW Faculty of Health Sciences (WNoZ WUM) for teaching and supporting of foreign students in connection with the planned launching of the English Division of the Faculty of Health Sciences for the Nursing Programme.

In view of the above, the following tasks are to be implemented:

  • cycle of trainings for the scientific and didactic as well as administration staff
  • preparation of a subpage of the Faculty of Health Sciences in English
  • preparation of a manual in Polish and English
  • preparation of a Polish language course for foreign students
  • opening a Welcome Centre point
  • providing Polish and English signs in the rooms
Okres realizacji:
PLN 70,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Beata Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aims of the study are:

  1. Improvement of the quality of diabetes patients care, in particular those who developed DFS. This will be achieved through selection of a biomarker enabling the use of EVs in the context of the estimation of risk of occurrence and course of DFS.
  2. Development of a pattern for pre-selection of the group of patients most exposed to DFS.

This will enable increased supervision and implementation of preventive actions, which would have a key impact on the patients’ quality of life and their survival. As a consequence of those actions, it will be possible to reduce the risk of amputation among the patients, which will directly contribute to the improvement of their quality of life.

  1. Improvement of the student’s soft skills – conducting prospective studies, molecular analysis of the obtained biological material, biostatistical analysis of the obtained results and start of cooperation with the private sector.
  2. Promotion of Polish achievements on the international scene through the publication of the results in a journal with worldwide range from the list of the Ministry of Science and Education (MEiN).
Okres realizacji:
PLN 70,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Anna Rzepakowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aim of the study is to identify the genetic markers which are responsible for unfavourable prognosis in malignant neoplasms of salivary glands. The study will allow for the development of a genetic panel on the basis of which it will be possible to identify patients with higher risk of recurrence of the neoplastic process and more aggressive course of the disease.

The results of the study will be published in a prestigious international journal.

The outcome of the project will allow for broadening the knowledge of molecular conditions for the development of malignant neoplasms of salivary glands. They will contribute to the development of more effective treatment methods and more personalised therapy. In the future, this will enable development of new standards of high-risk patient care.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 166,860.00
Kierownik Projektu:
Kod projektu:
dr hab. Mariusz Jaworski
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

In the project there participate 9 MUW lecturers, who will be conducting courses with the use of the tutoring method for 27 selected students.

Under the project, co-funding is provided for the remuneration of academic teachers conducting classes with students in a regular course of studies with the use of the tutoring method as well as preparation of didactic materials for the purposes of those classes. The classes are conducted during incomplete training cycle for 3 semesters. The form of the classes will result from the tutoring model developed and available to the HEIs, with the use of the knowledge obtained during foreign study visits and will take into consideration autonomic approach of the university.

The implementation of tutoring will enable improvement of the quality of education as well as the individual approach to the student. Teachers participating in the project will gain experience in conducting 1:1 classes. It will be possible to use the implemented tutoring model as didactic tutoring (e.g. during the development and preparation of the topics as part of dissertations), as well as when diagnosing and improving students’ psychosocial and scientific skills.

Okres realizacji:
PLN 2,811,857.34
Kierownik Projektu:
Supervised by Department of Didactic Projects
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:
  • Admission of Ukrainian citizens who arrived in Poland not earlier than on 24 February 2022 and were students of Ukrainian medical universities in the academic year 2021/2022 to the relevant year of studies at MUW, which will correspond with the scope of the knowledge and skills of the student (studies in the faculty of medicine or dental medicine)
  • Conducting by the MUW Foreign Languages Centre (Studium Języków Obcych WUM) gratuitous Polish language courses for Ukrainian refugees (five-month language courses)
  • Providing psychological support for the programme participants (psychological consultations, coaching, psychoeducation, stress management training)
  • Providing legal support for all project participants (e.g. assistance with the preparation of applications for refugee status or international protection, short-term or permanent residence).
Okres realizacji:
Kierownik Projektu:
Prof. Michał Grąt
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:
  • Promotional activities regarding the international doctoral programme
  • Scholarships for the best doctoral students
  • Financial support for short-term foreign research visits/fellowships
  • Inclusion of foreign academic staff into the doctoral studies programme

The project is to increase the internationalisation of the Doctoral School in 3 main areas: acquisition of foreign doctoral students, increase in the international mobility index of Polish doctoral students and increase in the visibility of the Doctoral School of the Medical University of Warsaw among foreign HEIs.

Logotyp EOG
Okres realizacji:
PLN 26,472.00
Kierownik Projektu:
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The Mobility in Higher Education project benefits from a EUR 26,472 grant received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EOG funds.

The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation in the field of staff mobility between Medical University of Warsaw and partner institutions.

The Education Programme (Program Edukacja) was developed under the international agreement on the implementation of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021. The objective of the Programme is to diminish the economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and strengthen the bilateral relations between Poland and Donor-Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) within education.

Component 2 Mobility in higher education is dedicated to:

  1. students – mobility and internships;
  2. for university staff – conducting didactic courses in host countries, participation in seminars, trainings, workshops and conferences; “job shadowing” visits.
Logotyp NAWA
Okres realizacji:
PLN 16,000.00
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. dr hab. Sergiusz Jóźwiak
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The implemented study “Epilepsy Prevention in Children in China and Poland (EPICAP)” is the continuation of the preventive treatment concept. It is aimed at 1/ validation of the so far known and finding new molecular biomarkers of epileptogenesis in TSC, 2/ validation of those biomarkers in other mechanisms of epileptogenesis than in SG, 3/ comparison of the effectiveness of epilepsy preventive treatment by means of vigabatrin and mTOR inhibitor (rapamycin).

The EPICAP study is to identify the epileptogenesis molecular biomarkers and determination which biomarkers are universal, and which ones are specific for a given mechanism of the occurrence of epilepsy. Therefore, we expect that the EPICAP project will significantly contribute to epilepsy detection and treatment. Characterisation of the factors influencing epileptogenesis is key for searching new mechanisms of anti-epileptic drugs. The results of the conducted study will be in prospective scope of interest of both the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries as well as neurobiologists.

It will be essential that effectiveness of preventive epilepsy treatment with two drugs applied in STC is proven. We expect that thanks to EPICAP new opportunities of treatment will arise, which will contribute to reduction of treatment costs and improvement of the patients’ functioning in the society.

Thanks to the EPICAP project, there will be achieved all the objectives posed for bilateral projects and based on mutual protocols; parallel clinical studies and studies in the area of basic sciences will enhance the Polish-Chinese cooperation in the field of biomedical sciences. Moreover:

  • Use of modern molecular methods, statistical techniques, as well as mutual technical and analytical protocols in Polish and Chinese units will allow for increasing the quality of the research network between Polish and Chinese researchers and clinicians.
  • The studies which are aimed at identification of universal epileptogenesis biomarkers are unique on the worldwide scale and will bring education and technology to a higher level, both in Poland and in China.
  • Identification of biomarkers which may indicate the risk of epilepsy and its intensity in different conditions and populations is commonly regarded as the main task, both in neurology and neurobiology. This type of studies conducted under the project on relatively small groups of patients may constitute the starting point for mutual, large-scale, randomized study which could take international form and be coordinated by EPICAP partners;
  • Conducting such a large project will raise the scientific position of both Polish and Chinese partners.
  • Discovery of new epileptic biomarkers of universal significance for different epilepsy pathomechanisms may be a breakthrough in epilepsy prevention and treatment, as well as enable commercialisation of research results.
  • Direct benefits for STC patients in both countries encompass the participation in the study involving a wide programme of clinical tests and possibility of controlled preventive treatment.
Logotyp NAWA
Okres realizacji:
PLN 1,192,400.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Aleksandra Wesołowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main aim of the project is to develop permanent solutions regarding scientific cooperation implemented under international academic partnerships within the verification of recruitment procedures for woman’s milk Donors for the human milk bank.

The planned research and development work is aimed at adapting the requirements for the woman’s milk Donors to the current environmental conditions as well as living conditions and factors affecting the health condition of the Donor (lifestyle, diet, closest environment). Elimination of adverse behaviours or change of daily habits by potential Donors will contribute to the increase in the quality of the milk donated to the bank, as well as to promoting healthy lifestyle among wider community of breastfeeding mothers in the countries participating in the project.

A significant goal is the appearance of the Polish human milk banks environment on the international forum, whose leader is the Applicant, thanks to the Laboratory of Research into Human Milk and Lactation at MUW, which is run by the largest Polish Regional Human Milk Bank in the Holy Family Hospital (Szpital im. Św. Rodziny). The project will also contribute to the consolidation of the Polish environment focused around human milk banks – both medical personnel and scientists interested in human milk and lactation.

Organisation of a scientific meeting dedicated to the project results is aimed at the exchange of experience between the practitioners and researchers from this sector, as well as giving the highest rank to the daily service activity of milk banks.

The project is also aimed at promotion in a wider society the very practice of unpaid milk donation as a precious voluntary approach affecting the healthiness of societies.

In order to perform the project, 4 strategic partners were chosen, which are academic centres, and 3 supporting partners, acting as non-profit organisations. The strategic partners, i.e. Milk Banks (Milk Bank in the academic centre in Amsterdam and Turin) ensure recruitment of patients for the study, which also includes obtaining of biological material and collection of medical data necessary for conducting the research and development work under the project. The recruitment centre will also be located in the Polish Regional Human Milk Bank of the Holy Family associated with the Applicant. The supporting partners, i.e. NGO, in Poland and in Italy, will support the recruitment activity and promotion of the project outcome.  The Woman’s Milk Bank Foundation (Fundacja Bank Mleka Kobiecego) and the Italian Association of Milk Banks are well-recognised non-profit entities, and may boast great social trust. The European Milk Bank Association (EMBA), with its patronage provided for the sake of the activities related to the presentation of the project results and its promotion, will give yet a higher rank to the project activities and will make them more European-wide. Two academic centres in Ireland will perform the role of typically research entities - Immunology & Cell Biology Laboratory, Maynooth University Human Health Research Institute and the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Nursing and Human Sciences.

The scope of the project also matches the interest and experience of most of the strategic partners. The Dutch Human Milk Bank and the Milk Bank at the University of Torino, Amsterdam University Medical Centres for many years have been undertaking and conducting research in the nutritional therapy in premature infants. Therefore, the implementation of this project is for those partners a natural continuation of the previously entered research area.

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 1,304,389.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Beata Pyrzyńska, dr Małgorzata Czystowska-Kuźmicz
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aim of the project is to develop long-term scientific cooperation between MUW and leading foreign institutions in the field of immuno-oncology and research into extracellular membrane vesicles.

The following results are to be achieved as a result of the project implementation:

  • Training of MUW scientific staff and doctoral students during fellowships in the USA and in Europe
  • Implementation of a research project 
  • Organisation of the international conference/workshop “Extracellular Vesicles in Immuno-Oncology”
  • Increase in the visibility of the researchers from MUW and Partner HEIs in the international scientific environment through the presentation of research results on international scientific conferences 
Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 1,170,694.00
Kierownik Projektu:
mgr Dorota Szubstarska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

A series of activities will be undertaken within the project aiming at raising the competences and completion of the education process thanks to the support from EFS of 91 people, including: 77 doctoral students and 14 academic staff representatives. The participants of the project will be 101 people, 86 doctoral students and 15 academic staff representatives, including 81 outcoming persons and 20 incoming ones. The planned activities encompassing short-term forms of training, such as conferences, study visits, fellowships to foreign HEIs, are also a response to the defined needs of the doctoral students and academic staff by means of acquiring additional skills and raising the level of competences of the doctoral students and academic staff representatives in the following scope:

  • scientific: research, scientific and didactic activities
  • linguistic: overcoming the language barrier, ability to use the foreign language in the medical scope on a communicative level;
  • social: overcoming cultural barriers, ability to work in an international team.

The project will allow for:

  • acquiring new professional contacts, which may be a basis for scientific cooperation, both on personal and institutional levels;
  • promotion of the Polish university and science on international markets by means of participation in the activities beyond the national borders;
  • promotion of the Polish university and science on international markets by means of participation in the activities of persons from beyond the Polish borders;
  • acquisition of experience by MUW in the implementation of projects as part of international exchange;
  • acquisition of knowledge by persons from MUW planning research and didactic activities for students, doctoral students and academic staff in terms of effectiveness and need for implementation of activities optimally adapted to their recipients.
Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 817,764.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Jacek Borowicz
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main objective of the project is a 60% increase in the knowledge of the young people participating in the Programme regarding the principles of dental caries prevention during the project implementation period, i.e. until 30.06.2023.

The main objective will contribute to the performance of the specific goal PO WER: implementation nad development of preventive programmes against diseases negatively affecting workforce dedicated to persons in the age of professional activity.

As a result, this will allow for:

  • increasing the level of knowledge among the target group of the principles of dental caries prevention and in the scope of proper nutritional habits, diet and lifestyle;
  • increasing availability of medical services including dental examinations with a training in oral cavity hygiene;
  • increasing early caries identification and prevention among the target group.
Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 63,860.00
Kierownik Projektu:
Koordynowany przez Dział Projektów Dydaktycznych
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

In the project, there participate 7 MUW lecturers who will be conducting courses with the use of the tutoring method for 21 selected students. The lecturers will participate in study visits at prestigious foreign HEIs during which they will learn about the educational methods related to tutoring used in those HEIs.

The aim of the project is to raise the didactic competences in the scope of individual training for teachers educating future medical staff. The Master-Trainee relationship is of key importance, which for system reasons (too numerous groups of students) cannot be implemented effectively. Additional support in the form of individualisation of training will help both the most talented and the weakest students in the determination of educational goals and verification and modification of the planned career path. MUW's staff are aware of the students' needs regarding individualisation of their educational path. The implementation of tutoring not only will increase the staff’s didactic competences, but also affect better preparation of the graduates for professional work. 

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 805,054.01
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Antonina Doroszewska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The aim of the project is to create an educational path for outstanding students, winners of national and international subject competitions as well as the best students, based on the results obtained in the first year of study, by means of the performance of high-quality academic education based on the tutoring system.

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 252,374.40
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Jakub Piwowarski
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main objective of the RadFarm Project is to ensure higher quality and effectiveness of training during doctoral studies as regards the use of knowledge, tools and techniques from different fields of natural sciences in the research targeted at receiving new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and medical therapy.

The main objective is implemented through the flow and combination of knowledge, practical experience and use of rich instrumentation infrastructure under the Partnership established by the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (IChTJ), University of Warsaw (UW) and the Medical Univesrity of Warsaw (WUM) as well as the mutually implemented new interdisciplinary programme of doctoral studies.

Webpage: https://radfarm.ncbj.gov.pl/

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 2,614,926.91
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. dr hab. med. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The project objective is to increase the quality and effectiveness of training during doctoral studies by means of developing high-quality interdisciplinary doctoral programmes of national and international range. The project foresees the participation of 20 people in doctoral studies in personalised medicine using new generation sequencing (NGS).

The project is implemented by the Post-Graduate School of Molecular Medicine and includes full-time studies whose curriculum comprises such courses as: “From Gene to Phenotype – Genomics and Bioinformatics” (“Od genu do fenotypu- Genomika i Bioinformatyka”), “Molecular Bases of Civilisational Diseases” (“Molekularne podstawy chorób cywilizacyjnych”), “NGS Data Analysis and Personalised Medicine” (“Analiza danych NGS i medycyna spersonalizowana”).

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 272,435.00
Kierownik Projektu:
dr hab. Mariusz Panczyk
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

In the project there participate 23 MUW lecturers who will be conducting courses with the use of the tutoring method for 69 selected students. The lecturers will participate in study visits at prestigious foreign HEIs, during which they will learn about the educational methods related to tutoring used in those HEIs.

The aim of the project is to raise the didactic competences in the scope of individual training for teachers educating future medical staff. The Master-Trainee relationship is of key importance, which for system reasons (too numerous groups of students) cannot be implemented effectively. Additional support in the form of individualisation of training will help both the most talented and the weakest students in the determination of educational goals and verification and modification of the planned career path. The MUW’s staff are aware of the student’s needs as far as the individualisation of educational needs is concerned. The implementation of tutoring not only will increase the staff’s didactic competences, but also affect better preparation of the graduates for professional work. 

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 1,482,096.00
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. dr hab. Lidia Rudnicka
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main objective of the Project is to implement the skin cancers prevention programme, which is aimed at increasing the knowledge and awareness of the target groups, patients and physicians, within skin cancers prevention and methods of nevus self-examination. The Project will lead to:

  • increase in dissemination of knowledge of negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, including the risk of development of skin pre-cancer and cancer states, sun protection, nevus self-examination and dermatoscopic examination,
  • change of habits related to UV exposure, decrease in the rate of skin burns and long-term suppression of the upward trend in the incidence of skin cancer
  • dissemination and organisation of knowledge of skin cancer prevention among general practitioners, family doctors, medical educators and dermatologists.
Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 27,647,747.60
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Marcin Kaczor
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The project is oriented at the development of didactics by means of the simulation method, performed in a modern, multi-profile medical simulation centre. The aim of the project is to raise the effectiveness and quality of practical teaching of student in medical faculties (medicine, dental medicine, nursing and obstetrics). More info: csm.wum.edu.pl

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 304,682.5
Kierownik Projektu:
prof. Ewa Dmoch-Gajzlerska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of the postpartum depression by means of implementing a program regarding postpartum depression education and prevention in the area of Mazowieckie and Łódzkie provinces and an increase by 15% of early diagnosis of postpartum depression through the education among medical personnel (midwives, nurses, doctors), as well as the increase in social awareness of the postpartum depression.

Under medical activity, 2180 women will receive psychological support, for which 5014 psychological consultations are foreseen, the result of which will be early diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment of women with postpartum depression symptoms. The support will be also addressed to 324 members of medical staff, i.e. midwives, nurses, general practitioners, who will participate in 18 trainings, the result of which will be increase in their knowledge of diagnosing postpartum depression symptoms and application of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

The project is implemented in partnership with Centrum Medyczno-Diagnostyczne Sp. z .o. o

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
7 595 721,00 zł
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Grzegorz Placha
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:

The main objective of the Project is to increase the awareness and detectability of cardiovascular diseases in persons in the age of professional activity, with special impact on the identification of patients genetically predisposed to familal hypercholesterolemia in the area of Mazowieckie and Łódzkie provinces.

Patients qualified for the project will be covered with educational intervention, i.e. the so-called active prevention. It is a novel solution supporting and motivating patients to change their lifestyle to a pro-health one. The patients will be offered an individual educational voucher under which they will be entitled to 360 minutes of a professional advice in terms of diet, health education and physical activity.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute of Cardiology.

Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 10,269,813.11
Kierownik Projektu:
mgr Anna Serzysko-Dąbrowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:
  • Support for the education of midwives and nurses in the diagnostics of obstetric and gynaecological problems with the use of a virtual patient
  • Enriching the educational process for the nursing field by applying modern technologies in microbiological diagnostics
  • Modification of the compulsory training programme in communication for MUW students
  • Preparation and conducting of a pilot OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam) at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Development of a new subject: Dietary Consulting and broadening the educational content of the subject: Clinical Nutrition for the students of Dietetics
  • Raising the quality and effectiveness of anatomy teaching and clinical courses for the students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences with the use of advanced anatomical visualisations
Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 11,732,744.68
Kierownik Projektu:
mgr Anna Serzysko-Dąbrowska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:
  • Modernisation of the didactic offer of the medical programmes by means of developing an integrated virtual educational platform and extended reality
  • Modernisation of the didactic offer of the nuclear medicine and radiology by means of developing a didactic and clinical platform for diagnostics and dosimetry
  • Extension of the educational programme of physiology with pathophysiology using the virtual educational platform and VR elements
  • Introduction of a new educational programme MD PhD
  • Preparation and implementation of didactic courses in the dental medicine field with the use of extended reality devices and applications
  • Preparation and implementation of elective courses in communication within an interdisciplinary team
  • Increasing the competences of didactic staff in terms of: improving the educational quality, methodology of teaching communication competences
  • Preparation of a complex ERP class system regarding the support of a HEI in the area of: controlling, planning and budgeting; electronic circulation of purchase requests and civil-law agreements; intranet shop


Logotyp UE
Okres realizacji:
PLN 11,469,723.28
Kierownik Projektu:
dr Antonina Doroszewska
Kod projektu:
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania:
  • Organisation of courses conducted by foreign lecturers – visiting professors
  • Summer School of Public Health
  • Preparation and implementation of the interactive methodology and materials to the course in Biostatistics in clinical practice and Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine
  • 3D imaging in the didactics of "Cardiosurgery of Congenital Defects"
  • Broadening of the offer of e-learning courses for MUW students
  • Introduction of a new curriculum for physiology with elements of pathophysiology, using the virtual educational platform and VR elements
  • Introduction of a new programme of studies: "Toxicology with Elements of Forensics"
  • Introduction of a new course (elective course) preparing for clinical classes based on VR solutions, for the students of the dental medicine programme
  • Introduction of a didactic and training offer developing the social and professional skills of MUW students
  • Development of the services system of the Career Office supporting the students when entering the job market
  • Increasing the competences of the MUW management/administration staff
  • Increasing the didactic competences of the MUW Staff and development of the e-learning system /Academy of Didactic, Methodological and Social Competences