Masters of Didactics 2

Okres realizacji
PLN 63,860.00
Kierownik Projektu
Koordynowany przez Dział Projektów Dydaktycznych
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

In the project, there participate 7 MUW lecturers who will be conducting courses with the use of the tutoring method for 21 selected students. The lecturers will participate in study visits at prestigious foreign HEIs during which they will learn about the educational methods related to tutoring used in those HEIs.

The aim of the project is to raise the didactic competences in the scope of individual training for teachers educating future medical staff. The Master-Trainee relationship is of key importance, which for system reasons (too numerous groups of students) cannot be implemented effectively. Additional support in the form of individualisation of training will help both the most talented and the weakest students in the determination of educational goals and verification and modification of the planned career path. MUW's staff are aware of the students' needs regarding individualisation of their educational path. The implementation of tutoring not only will increase the staff’s didactic competences, but also affect better preparation of the graduates for professional work. 

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