Rescue for Heart - KORDIAN 2020 Programme. Programme for heart and vascular diseases prevention and familial hypercholesterolemia diagnostics in Łódzkie and Mazowieckie provinces

Okres realizacji
7 595 721,00 zł
Kierownik Projektu
dr Grzegorz Placha
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The main objective of the Project is to increase the awareness and detectability of cardiovascular diseases in persons in the age of professional activity, with special impact on the identification of patients genetically predisposed to familal hypercholesterolemia in the area of Mazowieckie and Łódzkie provinces.

Patients qualified for the project will be covered with educational intervention, i.e. the so-called active prevention. It is a novel solution supporting and motivating patients to change their lifestyle to a pro-health one. The patients will be offered an individual educational voucher under which they will be entitled to 360 minutes of a professional advice in terms of diet, health education and physical activity.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute of Cardiology.

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