Okres realizacji
PLN 10,269,813.11
Kierownik Projektu
mgr Anna Serzysko-Dąbrowska
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania
- Support for the education of midwives and nurses in the diagnostics of obstetric and gynaecological problems with the use of a virtual patient
- Enriching the educational process for the nursing field by applying modern technologies in microbiological diagnostics
- Modification of the compulsory training programme in communication for MUW students
- Preparation and conducting of a pilot OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam) at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy
- Development of a new subject: Dietary Consulting and broadening the educational content of the subject: Clinical Nutrition for the students of Dietetics
- Raising the quality and effectiveness of anatomy teaching and clinical courses for the students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences with the use of advanced anatomical visualisations

Kod projektu