Mom’s Smile Programme on postpartum depression education and prevention

Okres realizacji
PLN 304,682.5
Kierownik Projektu
prof. Ewa Dmoch-Gajzlerska
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of the postpartum depression by means of implementing a program regarding postpartum depression education and prevention in the area of Mazowieckie and Łódzkie provinces and an increase by 15% of early diagnosis of postpartum depression through the education among medical personnel (midwives, nurses, doctors), as well as the increase in social awareness of the postpartum depression.

Under medical activity, 2180 women will receive psychological support, for which 5014 psychological consultations are foreseen, the result of which will be early diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment of women with postpartum depression symptoms. The support will be also addressed to 324 members of medical staff, i.e. midwives, nurses, general practitioners, who will participate in 18 trainings, the result of which will be increase in their knowledge of diagnosing postpartum depression symptoms and application of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

The project is implemented in partnership with Centrum Medyczno-Diagnostyczne Sp. z .o. o

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