Interdisciplinary doctoral studies programme using new generation sequencing (NGS) in personalised medicine

Okres realizacji
PLN 2,614,926.91
Kierownik Projektu
prof. dr hab. med. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The project objective is to increase the quality and effectiveness of training during doctoral studies by means of developing high-quality interdisciplinary doctoral programmes of national and international range. The project foresees the participation of 20 people in doctoral studies in personalised medicine using new generation sequencing (NGS).

The project is implemented by the Post-Graduate School of Molecular Medicine and includes full-time studies whose curriculum comprises such courses as: “From Gene to Phenotype – Genomics and Bioinformatics” (“Od genu do fenotypu- Genomika i Bioinformatyka”), “Molecular Bases of Civilisational Diseases” (“Molekularne podstawy chorób cywilizacyjnych”), “NGS Data Analysis and Personalised Medicine” (“Analiza danych NGS i medycyna spersonalizowana”).

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