WUM AID Academy of Innovative Didactics of the Medical University of Warsaw

Okres realizacji
PLN 11,469,723.28
Kierownik Projektu
dr Antonina Doroszewska
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania
  • Organisation of courses conducted by foreign lecturers – visiting professors
  • Summer School of Public Health
  • Preparation and implementation of the interactive methodology and materials to the course in Biostatistics in clinical practice and Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine
  • 3D imaging in the didactics of "Cardiosurgery of Congenital Defects"
  • Broadening of the offer of e-learning courses for MUW students
  • Introduction of a new curriculum for physiology with elements of pathophysiology, using the virtual educational platform and VR elements
  • Introduction of a new programme of studies: "Toxicology with Elements of Forensics"
  • Introduction of a new course (elective course) preparing for clinical classes based on VR solutions, for the students of the dental medicine programme
  • Introduction of a didactic and training offer developing the social and professional skills of MUW students
  • Development of the services system of the Career Office supporting the students when entering the job market
  • Increasing the competences of the MUW management/administration staff
  • Increasing the didactic competences of the MUW Staff and development of the e-learning system /Academy of Didactic, Methodological and Social Competences
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