Modern methods of isolation and analysis of extracellular membrane vesicles as part of research in immuno-oncology

Okres realizacji
PLN 1,304,389.00
Kierownik Projektu
dr Beata Pyrzyńska, dr Małgorzata Czystowska-Kuźmicz
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The aim of the project is to develop long-term scientific cooperation between MUW and leading foreign institutions in the field of immuno-oncology and research into extracellular membrane vesicles.

The following results are to be achieved as a result of the project implementation:

  • Training of MUW scientific staff and doctoral students during fellowships in the USA and in Europe
  • Implementation of a research project 
  • Organisation of the international conference/workshop “Extracellular Vesicles in Immuno-Oncology”
  • Increase in the visibility of the researchers from MUW and Partner HEIs in the international scientific environment through the presentation of research results on international scientific conferences 
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