Radiopharmaceuticals for molecularly targeted diagnostics and medical therapy (RadFarm)

Okres realizacji
PLN 252,374.40
Kierownik Projektu
dr hab. Jakub Piwowarski
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The main objective of the RadFarm Project is to ensure higher quality and effectiveness of training during doctoral studies as regards the use of knowledge, tools and techniques from different fields of natural sciences in the research targeted at receiving new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and medical therapy.

The main objective is implemented through the flow and combination of knowledge, practical experience and use of rich instrumentation infrastructure under the Partnership established by the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (IChTJ), University of Warsaw (UW) and the Medical Univesrity of Warsaw (WUM) as well as the mutually implemented new interdisciplinary programme of doctoral studies.


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