Training in intravascular imaging with the use of optical coherence tomography

Okres realizacji
PLN 60,000.00
Kierownik Projektu
dr hab. Łukasz Kołtowski
W ramach projektu przewidziano następujące zadania

The organiser of the workshop is the Laboratory of the Invasive Cardiology of the 1st Academic and Clinical Department of the Medical University of Warsaw that boasts significant experience within the subject-matter of the workshop in terms of clinical application of the above-mentioned diagnostic method. The workshop is addressed both to the personnel of the MUW University Clinical Centre (UCK WUM) and cardiologists from other centres in Poland. The following topics will be discussed during the workshop: – Intravascular assessment techniques with the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) – Assessment and interpretation of OCT images and recognition of artefacts. Morphometric analysis of atherosclerotic plaques. Procedure planning and selection of stents. Interpretation of images in acute coronary syndromes. Identification of high-risk plaques (qualitative assessment). Practical courses in the invasive cardiology laboratory will be conducted in intravascular imaging with the use of optical coherent tomography.

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