National Centre for Research and Development
The main aim of the project is to develop and implement the technology based on the experience in fetal surgery, which will allow the physicians for more efficient decision-making during operations by means of enhancing the analysis of data elaborated under the project and will improve their work during intrauterine surgeries and ultrasound examinations. The implementation will allow for the development of fetal surgery, with minimization of the number of complications for foetuses and mothers.
The planned ultra-modern molecular studies will aim to identify new prognostic factors. Research into new biomarkers in ALL will also be carried out, based on genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics. The aim of the project is also to collect biological material for mass analysis (including banking of cells and nucleic acids). A modern method of treatment effectiveness monitoring based on next-generation sequencing will be developed. It will also allow the personalization of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and peri-transplant procedures in children with ALL. The project also aims to create an advanced IT system for medical personnel and patients. The system will include a single clinical, genetic and molecular database of children with ALL, as well as an information portal for patients. The overall effect of the PersonALL project will be the creation of an innovative diagnosis of ALL in children, which will allow for the selection of a more targeted therapy and, as a result, may lead to an improvement in treatment outcomes.

The main goal of the project is to advance the use of fat-isolated stem cells (ADSCs) in regenerative medicine. The project will be implemented in two paths. In the path "from the laboratory to the clinic", we will use our skills to prepare ADSC for the clinical trials planned in the project: in the treatment of diabetic foot and in aesthetic medicine (patients with scars and signs of skin aging). In the path "from the laboratory to banking and innovation in cell preparation for application" we plan to prepare for the implementation of the ADSC banking service including individual characteristics of the differentiation potential of each deposited cell population. We will look for a correlation between ADSC differentiation in the culture and the results of transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of the starting cells - as a quick method of assessing the differentiation potential of deposited cells. We will undertake research into new methods of preparing ADSC for application using the following methods: mixed cells with different phenotypes derived from one population, combining with biomaterials as cell carriers and the "macromolecular crowding" method. We will investigate the immunogenic nature of human ADSCs for future use in GvHD and allogeneic applications. Know-how generated by two academic entities will be validated and prepared for implementation by four industrial partners.
COMPETENCES-WORK-SUCCESS is an innovative didactic project addressed to students of the last years of studies in medicine (6th year) and nursing (3rd year of 1st degree studies). The aim of the project is to better prepare future graduates to enter the labor market through targeted strengthening of the potential and attractiveness of the MUW graduate.
Thanks to participation in the project, participants will acquire PROFESSIONAL, COMMUNICATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, IT AND ANALYTICAL COMPETENCES
Each participant of the project has the opportunity to learn their starting potential, which will be assessed on the basis of an individual competence profile prepared. Such action allows for providing support in selected areas, which ensures high effectiveness of education. Properly selected staff of trainers and specially designed scenarios of classes allow for providing support in the development of selected professional, communication, IT, analytical and entrepreneurial competences.
Project participants have the opportunity to take advantage of various forms of classes, such as: workshops, certified training, tasks in project teams and study visits to employers.
The result of the project will be an increase in professional, communication, IT, analytical and entrepreneurial competences of students of the Medical University of Warsaw. The implementation of the project will initiate the process of adjusting the education program of MUW students in terms of improving competences, in line with the expectations of employers. The project includes the organization of workshops in 5 thematic blocks, classes in project teams, e-learning, certified training - 6 topics and study visits. The sustainability of the project will be maintained, because the activities initiated under the project to support the growth of competences among students will be continued at the University in 50% at least for a period of 2 years after the end of the project.
As a result, at least 40% of university graduates covered by the project will continue their education (1st, 2nd or 3rd degree studies) or take up employment / self-employment within 6 months of completing their education and will keep them for at least 3 months (for employment contracts for at least part-time positions).
The proposed project is the world's first research project based on the use of an allogeneic matrix of human ADM skin inhabited by allogeneic stem cells and a dressing with autologous patient cells collected from reverse mosaicism sites in the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa. The usefulness of a novel ADM dressing filled with allogeneic stem cells will remain
also approved for the treatment of deep burn wounds and leg ulcers, where it will act as a skin graft replenishing tissue defects and as an active dressing enabling epithelization of the wound. Research tasks are assumed: 1. Creating a human scaffold; 2. Production of dressings; 3. Development of a method of sterilization of biological dressings made of human material; 4. Development of a clinical trial protocol and conducting patient qualification and recruitment for research; 5. In vitro studies of the scaffold with inhabited stem cells; 6. Clinical studies of the effectiveness of biological dressings made of human material on 100 patients; 7. Studies on reverse mosaicism in patients with EB; 8. Analysis of adhesive molecules of the dermal-epidermal border and proteins involved in the wound healing process in skin sections taken from healed sites. In the final phase of the project implementation, preparation for the implementation of an innovative product will take place.
The main goal of the project is to improve soft skills (communication skills), including interpersonal skills - making contacts, teamwork skills and clear transfer of thoughts and personal skills (creativity) and self-organization expected by employers from job candidates in accordance with the diagnosed competence deficits, in a group of students in the last year of medical studies of the Medical University of Warsaw. The project will contribute to the achievement of the POWER specific goal by preparing students to work as doctors in the context of the contemporary needs and expectations of the society and business and implementation of innovative methodological teaching, which will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of doctors' activities in their future practice. As part of the planned activities, the following will be organized: a series of workshops, additional classes with employers and study visits. The result of the project will be an increase in building a relationship with the patient and skills in the field of medical communication with the patient, patient's family, colleagues - growth of ability of teamwork, i.e. skills desired by employers, which will increase the chances of graduates to find employment immediately after graduation. Thanks to the cooperation with employers, in the last year, and the possibility of observing students, the established contact may be a method of selecting and recruiting project participants for work. Establishing cooperation will create conditions for getting to know the specifics of a doctor's work from a perspective that has not been the focus of medical students until now. Creating the possibility of contact with the patient and real life situations in doctor's work will contribute to shortening the adaptation time of participants in future work. They will be better prepared for the realities of future work. Thanks to the above-mentioned activities, project participants will know how and be able to communicate more effectively and build a relationship with the patient and colleagues. The project will equip future doctors with effective tools and techniques to support them in their future work, i.e. active listening, asking questions, structure of medical interviews. The program will also result in an increase in personal skills, with particular emphasis on creativity - students will experience situations in which they will be able to use this skill in a practical way. They will learn about external limitations that may affect their effectiveness (e.g. time for contact with the patient, medical procedures). They will be equipped with self-organization techniques and skills that will positively affect the quality of their work. It is predicted to increase the ability work in project conditions, timeliness and work planning, increased resistance to stress and the ability to flexibly respond to changes. The desired change is an increase in the level in the above competence areas to the level described in the specialist profile for the medical doctor's profession created in cooperation with employers.
The main goal of the project is to design, construct and verify the functionality of an innovative generator, collect information related to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical, radiochemical and radionuclide contaminants that may contain the final product (eluate containing 99mTc) and to conduct research for pharmaceutical kits to meet the standards of the Polish and European Pharmacopoeia.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The NOMED-AF project is implemented under the strategic research and development program "Prevention and Treatment of Civilization Diseases" - STRATEGMED 2nd competition. The aim of the project is to develop a system that enables early detection of silent atrial fibrillation (AF) in a group of 65+ patients. The project will provide data on the frequency of the disorder, which will be the basis for the development of new treatments. Silent atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of cardiac arrhythmias, which increases the risk of stroke by up to 5 times. Research shows that there is a strong correlation between the incidence of AF and age: the elderly are the most vulnerable. EXPECTED RESULTS: The first phase of the project will be devoted to the development of a diagnostic device capable of detecting silent AF. In the second phase, the proposed solution will be technically validated in order to establish the sensitivity and specificity of AF detection in the population of patients with implanted ICD. An epidemiological study to establish the prevalence of silent AF in a high-risk population will be the last phase of the project. The project will enable: 1) Development of a system to detect silent AF, 2) Obtaining data on the incidence of silent AF and risk factors for this arrhythmia in the population 65+. The project is carried out in a consortium consisting of the Medical University of Warsaw, the Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment ITAM, Medical University of Gdańsk, Pomeranian Medical University Department of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum Clinical Department of Internal Diseases and Geriatrics and the Leader - Kardio-Med. Silesia Sp. z o.o.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The aim of the project is to develop recipes and technologies for innovative products of beverages, jellies and concentrated desserts, with high fruit content and reduced energy content, sweetened with steviol glycosides. These products will constitute a valuable component of the diet of the general population, providing valuable bio-components contained in fruits, i.e. vitamins, antioxidants and mineral salts. Each of the product groups will be at the same time intended for a defined group with specific nutritional needs: overweight and diabetic people, children and the elderly. Fruit with recognized pro-health properties will be used for production; Rosa rugosa, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, cranberry and acerola. Recipes and production technology will focus on obtaining products with the highest possible content of bioactive ingredients, high antioxidant capacity and sensory attractive. EXPECTED RESULTS: The result of the project will be the development of recipes, technologies and the launch of industrial production of three lines of energy-reduced products sweetened with stevia preparations, rich in health-promoting nutrients. These products have a great chance for commercialization and implementation into industrial practice by Polish producers of processed fruit and vegetables. The implementation of these products is possible in virtually any, moderately equipped processing plant The project is carried out in a consortium consisting of the Medical University of Warsaw, Premium Rosa Sp. z o.o and the Leader- Prof. Waclaw Dabrowski Institute of Agriculture and Food Biotechnology.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The aim of the project is to develop soft (communication and interpersonal) skills in students of the Medical University of Warsaw. Through a series of activities aimed at students, the project aims to achieve the specific objective POWER Increasing the competences of people participating in higher education, corresponding to the needs of the economy, labor market and society. The project includes 6 basic stages: promotion, recruitment, preparation of the initial balance of project participants, development of competences, preparation of the final balance sheet, 12-month monitoring of the fate of the project participants (KD12). In medical professions, in addition to medical knowledge and practical skills, which are the foundation of the profession, psychosocial skills, called soft skills, are increasingly appreciated and useful. The knowledge and skills in this field by doctors and other medical workers is almost indispensable. Often it is the soft skills that determine the acceptance of a candidate for work by the employer from among people with a very similar profile of formal qualifications. Soft skills increase work efficiency by minimizing the risk of misunderstandings or possible claims. They also prevent the burnout syndrome, which is very important for the medical profession, as it is a professional group with high rates of burnout. This is also confirmed by the results of a survey of doctors' opinions carried out by the Center for Analysis and Information Studies. EXPECTED RESULTS: development of soft skills: communication and interpersonal in students of the Medical University of Warsaw. As a result, at least 40% of university graduates covered by the project will continue their education (1st, 2nd or 3rd degree studies) or take up employment / self-employment within 6 months of completing their education and will keep them for at least 3 months (for employment contracts for a minimum of part-time position).