Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells tested in clinical trials and in vitro - justification for banking of characterized cells

The main goal of the project is to advance the use of fat-isolated stem cells (ADSCs) in regenerative medicine. The project will be implemented in two paths. In the path "from the laboratory to the clinic", we will use our skills to prepare ADSC for the clinical trials planned in the project: in the treatment of diabetic foot and in aesthetic medicine (patients with scars and signs of skin aging). In the path "from the laboratory to banking and innovation in cell preparation for application" we plan to prepare for the implementation of the ADSC banking service including individual characteristics of the differentiation potential of each deposited cell population. We will look for a correlation between ADSC differentiation in the culture and the results of transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of the starting cells - as a quick method of assessing the differentiation potential of deposited cells. We will undertake research into new methods of preparing ADSC for application using the following methods: mixed cells with different phenotypes derived from one population, combining with biomaterials as cell carriers and the "macromolecular crowding" method. We will investigate the immunogenic nature of human ADSCs for future use in GvHD and allogeneic applications. Know-how generated by two academic entities will be validated and prepared for implementation by four industrial partners.