Personalization of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in Poland

Project Title
Personalizacja leczenia ostrej białaczki limfoblastycznej u dzieci w Polsce
prof. dr hab. Michał Matysiak
Project Objective

The planned ultra-modern molecular studies will aim to identify new prognostic factors. Research into new biomarkers in ALL will also be carried out, based on genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics. The aim of the project is also to collect biological material for mass analysis (including banking of cells and nucleic acids). A modern method of treatment effectiveness monitoring based on next-generation sequencing will be developed. It will also allow the personalization of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and peri-transplant procedures in children with ALL. The project also aims to create an advanced IT system for medical personnel and patients. The system will include a single clinical, genetic and molecular database of children with ALL, as well as an information portal for patients. The overall effect of the PersonALL project will be the creation of an innovative diagnosis of ALL in children, which will allow for the selection of a more targeted therapy and, as a result, may lead to an improvement in treatment outcomes.