Works in Journals


The next scientific activity evaluation will be conducted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MEiN) in 2021 for the years 2017-2020.

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Interim regulations for the first evaluation in the new model: Rules of awarding points for articles published in the years 2017-2018

The change of the evaluation model and principles of preparing the list of journals requires special provisions for the evaluation conducted in 2021.

With reference to the first evaluation from 2021, in the general number of publications submitted by particular entities, the scientific articles published in the final form in the years 2017-2018 will have to represent a share not smaller than 1N. For authorship of a scientific article published in the final form in those years in a scientific journal included in the list of scientific journals prepared in accordance with the regulations that have already expired, i.e. in the list announced in the Minister’s announcement of 25 January 2017, the number of points shall be awarded pursuant to that list, and not the new one.

The regulations also provide for a special solution for scientific articles published in the final form in the years 2017-2018 in journals which are currently indexed in the Scopus database and in the four most important indexes of the Web of Science database, but which, for some reason, had not been included in the list of 25 January 2017. Such articles will receive the number of points corresponding with the journal included in part A of that list which is scored the lowest, i.e. 15 points.

The same number of points, i.e. 15, will be awarded to a scientific article published in the final form in the years 2017-2018 in supervised materials from international scientific conferences included in the main collection of the Web of Science database: Core Collection. This solution was introduced as the lists created based on the waived regulations did not encompass materials from international conferences.

The following rules shall be applied for co-authorship scientific articles published in the years 2017 -2018:


Scientific articles published in a scientific journal or supervised materials from the list

The list of scientific journals and scientific journals supervised materials from international scientific conferences is prepared at least once every two years, and it is announced in the form of the minister’s announcement. For an article published in a scientific journal or supervised materials from international scientific conferences the same number of points shall be awarded as it is for a given journal or given materials in the ministry’s list. Depending on the number of points assigned in the list to a scientific journal or supervised materials from international scientific conferences, for authorship of an article there may be awarded: 20, 40, 70, 100, 140 or 200 points.

Detailed manner of awarding points for particular publications under the evaluation       

Limitations were introduced to the evaluation regarding the following factors taken into account during the assessment of an entity:

- number of scientific publications in a given discipline,

- number of scientific publications of authorship or co-authorship of particular employees.

This system solution caused the necessity to establish in a more detailed and specific manner the number of points awarded for particular publications, especially multi-author publications, and the manner of establishing the number of publications included in the evaluation. For this purpose, for each scientific publication there will be established a unit share of each author in a given publication, referred to also as the “unit share”.

For one-author publications the unit share is 1. This means that a one-author publication fills one full publication slot of the author (author, according to general principles, may submit all his or her publication accomplishments for the purposes of the evaluation; however, for the evaluation of a given discipline in the entity only 4 such slots will count). On the contrary, for multi-author publications this share (filling of a part of a slot) depends on the total value of a given publication, the conversion value of a given publication, number of co-authors from a given entity and a given discipline and the number of all authors of a given publication.

Unit share (filling of a part of a slot expressed by means of a fraction) shall be determined by the following relation:


– where:

P – means the conversion score value of a scientific publication,

Pc – means the total score value of a scientific publication,

k – means the number of co-authors who authorised the evaluated entity to include the scientific publication as a scientific accomplishment in a given scientific discipline.

For each unit share (filling of a part of a slot) there shall be determined its score value. The score value of filling of a part of a slot (unit share value) shall be determined by the relation:

Pu= P/k

– where:

Pu – means the score value of filling of a part of a slot (unit share),

P – means the conversion score value of a scientific publication,

k – means the number of co-authors who authorised the evaluated entity to include the scientific publication as a scientific accomplishment in a given scientific discipline. 


Scientific articles published in journals or materials not included in the list

Each scientific article published in a scientific journal which is not included in the ministry’s list shall receive 5 points. This means that 5 points shall be awarded to each publication which is published in the journals “invisible” for the Scopus or Web of Science databases, and, therefore, such journals which:

- did not decide to (or for formal reasons could not) join the Minister’s programme dedicated to the support for Polish scientific journals or

Multi-author publications

Scientific articles

The conversion value of a multi-author publication which is a scientific article shall depend on:

- the number of points assigned to a given journal in the list (for journals not included in the list, it is 5 points) – this is the total score value of the publication,

- the number of authors of a scientific article that authorised a given entity to include that article in a given discipline (“k” number);

- number of all co-authors – both the ones who are the employees of the entity subject to evaluation, and those from outside of that entity (“m” number).


It must be clearly stated that the rules of awarding points accepted in the new evaluation model give bonus points for interdisciplinary articles and multi-centre publications.

The points awarded for co-authorship of articles which were published in those journals and conference materials which were awarded from 5 to 20 points is a result of multiplying the (k/m) value and the number of points assigned to the journal or materials. The points awarded for co-authorship may not be, however, lower than 10% of the score value awarded for one-person authorship publication in a given journal or materials. While for journals or materials with a low number of points assigned we cannot speak about a clear system incentive to publish together with other authors from other entities from the higher education and science system, for scientific articles published in journals and conference materials which were assigned at least 40 points there is visible a clear scoring bonus for interdisciplinary articles and multi-centre publications. This happens thanks to the application of a formula (√k/m) by which we multiply the number of points assigned to the journal or materials when calculating the number of points awarded to an entity for such a publication. Whereas for publications published in the most prestigious journals and materials from conferences (valued in the ministry’s list at 100, 140 and 200 points), the conversion score value of publications, i.e. the number of points for co-authorship of an inter-disciplinary article, is equal to the number of points awarded to a given journal or materials.

Table – Points for multi-author publications

The below table lists the basic information on the manner of awarding points for multi-author publications (scientific articles and scientific monographs).

Symbols used in the table:        

- k – means the number of authors of a scientific article or monograph who are employees of the evaluated entity or persons who were studying at the doctoral school of a given entity in the period subject to evaluation;

- l – means the number of all authors of an article or monograph;;

- 100% – means awarding 100% of points for the authorship of a given publication, regardless of the relationship between the number of authors from the entity and the number of all authors.


Manner of evaluating multi-author publications
Type of scientific publication Points for authorship – total score value of a scientific publication - PC Conversion value of a multi-author
Scientific article in a scientific journal or conference materials
included in the list of journals
200 100% of points for the authorship of a given publication, regardless of the relationship between the number of authors from the entity and the number of all authors
70 Vk/m, but at least
10% of points awarded for authorship
Scientific article in a scientific journal or conference materials
included in the list of journals
20 k/m, but at least
10% of points awarded for authorship
Scientific article in a scientific journal
not included in the list of journals 
Scientific monograph at a publisher’s not included in the list of publishers; scientific supervision of such a scientific monograph; a chapter in such a scientific monograph 20; 5; 5

Material prepared based on "Ocena jakości działalności naukowej - przewodnik" (Eng. Qualitative Evaluation of Scientific Activity- Guidebook)