Study of the migration profile of NK cells and the search for in vitro expansion methods for adoptive therapies in neoplastic diseases

Mieszko Lachota
Project Objective

The aim of the project is to comprehensively investigate the process of natural killer (NK) cell migration and to select the best expansion strategy for NK cells to improve their migration to neoplastic cells. NK cells comprise 5-15% of blood lymphocytes and are characterized by the unique ability to spontaneously recognize and kill neoplastic cells. Their abilities play a role in the immune surveillance of tumors, and they have been used in adoptive anti-cancer therapies. In recent years, two key processes have been discovered and characterized in detail that allow NK cells to achieve full functionality and anti-cancer potential - education and differentiation process. The assessment of the impact of both processes on the ability of NK cells to migrate in order to better understand their physiological function in the human immune system and to characterize their migration potential to cancerous tumors or infected tissues is planned.