Ministry of Science and Higher Education
The aim of the iONKO project is to raise the level of basic and applied research conducted at the Medical University of Warsaw (MUW), in one of the fastest growing fields of medicine, which is immuno-oncology. Fundamental research in the field of immuno-oncology will lead to a better understanding of the interaction between cancer and the immune system and the identification of new therapeutic targets. Thanks to the extended cooperation with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, research conducted at the Medical University of Warsaw will contribute to the development of new drugs, and therefore will have direct application in the economy.

The aim of this event is to deepen the knowledge in the field of dermatology, venerology, aesthetic medicine and to use of the acquired information in medical practice. The project is addressed to the students of medicine, dental medicine, health sciences as well as intern doctors and resident doctors. Due to the pandemic, the last conference was held fully on-line. Taking into consideration the development of the situation, we are planning to organise the upcoming conference in a hybrid formula, i.e. the first two days (lecture day and scientific works competition) will be held via ZOOM platform, whereas on the third day of the conference, the workshop in dermatosurgery will be held in a stationary form.
Dofinansowano przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki ze środków z budżetu państwa w ramach programu „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”.

The main objective of the project is to develop a novel technological path of individual design and production of personalised titanium implants for the reconstruction of the stomatognathic system after bone resections caused by craniofacial tumours. According to the concept assumptions, after the primary disease is cured, an innovative implant will allow for: increase in rehabilitation effectiveness (difficult or impossible to obtain with conventional methods), preserving the speech and masticatory functions as well as the facial aesthetics. Therefore, the project results will enable implementation of a new treatment method having a positive impact on the quality of life in patients with craniofacial tumours and decreasing the social costs of this disease entity.

Task description: The result of the project: “Adaptation of MUW outpatient rooms to R&D interdisciplinary studies” will be handing over for use of modern R&D facilities rendering it possible to conduct interdisciplinary research projects. At the moment, conducting research projects under interdisciplinary cooperation in medicine and other fields of science (i.e. IT, mechatronics, mathematic modelling) is possible only when based on modern infrastructure. Modern outpatient base will enable development and collection as well as exchange of scientific and clinical data, being complementary or an alternative to the conditions of patients’ hospitalisation.
Project implementation: “Adaptation of MUW outpatient rooms to R&D interdisciplinary studies” will contribute to the development of Polish economy thanks to increasing the level of its innovation and internationalisation of scientific research. Direct benefits will also be noticed by patients who are the end-recipient of the results of research studies conducted by the Clinical Department.
Co-financed from the State budget
Name of programme: Implementation of investment related to scientific activity
Name of task: Adaptation of MUW outpatient rooms to R&D interdisciplinary studies
Amount of financing: PLN 9,765,600
Total task value: PLN 9,765,600
MEiN_ Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki program „Doskonała Nauka”,
umowa nr DNK/SP/514200/2021, kwota wsparcia 104 754,00 zł.

The aim of the project is to present the results of scientific research into the application of Evidence-Based Health Policy and Evidence-Based Medicine in post-graduate training, during the conference "Research Excellence in Post-Graduate Education (DBSP)".
MEiN_ Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki program „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”,
umowa nr SKN/SP/496077/2021, kwota wsparcia 51 009 zł.

The objective of the project is to know the Poles’ opinion regarding the main reasons and concerns related to organ donation. It will be implemented through conducting survey studies. The second objective is to develop an innovative approach in the physicians’ communication with the family of the dead person and potential donor by means of a workshop in communication with patient for students of medicine, anaesthesiologists and surgeons, as well as conducting a national social campaign in social media. The next aim is possible increase in the number of applicants for residency in general surgery through organisation of courses in laparoscopic surgery for students and physicians.