Non-Fiction Transplantation

PROJEKT_ Transplantacja non fiction
Project Title
"Transplantacja non fiction"
MEiN_ Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki program „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”,
umowa nr SKN/SP/496077/2021, kwota wsparcia 51 009 zł.
Natalia Niedziela_ Studenckie Koło Naukowe GRAFT
Project Objective

The objective of the project is to know the Poles’ opinion regarding the main reasons and concerns related to organ donation. It will be implemented through conducting survey studies. The second objective is to develop an innovative approach in the physicians’ communication with the family of the dead person and potential donor by means of a workshop in communication with patient for students of medicine, anaesthesiologists and surgeons, as well as conducting a national social campaign in social media. The next aim is possible increase in the number of applicants for residency in general surgery through organisation of courses in laparoscopic surgery for students and physicians.