Funds for science allocated for financing 2 doctoral scholarships and co-financing of the costs of using research infrastructure under the 2nd edition of the Minister of Science and Higher Education programme entitled "Implementation Doctorate"

Project Title
Środki finansowe na naukę przeznaczone na finansowanie 2 stypendiów doktoranckich i dofinansowanie kosztów wykorzystania infrastruktury badawczej w ramach II edycji programu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pn. ,,Doktorat wdrożeniowy”
Nazwa Kliniki/Zakładu
Katedra i Zakład Technologii Leków i Biotechnologii Farmaceutycznej
prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Turło i dr hab. Maciej Dawidowski
Project Objective

When setting the priorities for scientific research in Poland, the areas which give the Polish economy a chance for a competitive advantage are taken into account in particular. In the assumptions of the state's science, technology and innovation policy, the priority directions include research needed for, inter alia, increasing the competitiveness of products and services as well as improving the quality of life, in particular by protecting health and the environment. According to the national research program (National Research Programme (KPB), Annex to the Resolution No. 164/2011 of the Council of Ministers of August 16, 2011), one of the strategic interdisciplinary directions of research and development work is "diseases of civilization, new drugs and regenerative medicine". In the coming years, one of the main health threats to the population of Poland will be diseases of affluence, including malignant tumors. To counteract this, pharmaceutical companies undertake innovative projects in the area of ​​oncology. The proposed doctoral study program supports this area of ​​study, providing a solid foundation for the graduate to independently initiate and run projects in this field. It is also worth mentioning that the doctoral study program at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw covers issues in the field of industrial biotechnology, such as: production of advanced materials or innovative technological processes. These areas, according to the conclusions of the project "Technological Foresight of the InSight 2030 Industry", have a chance to become the driving force of the Polish economy and contribute to increasing the competitiveness and innovation of the Polish industry.