Implementation of e-services to support of processes related to education and examination at the Medical University of Warsaw
The main aim of the project is to raise the availability, quality and effectiveness of education at the largest medical university in the region through the implementation at the Medical University of Warsaw a complex system of verifying the students' knowledge based on modern information and communication technologies (TIK). The system will enable the implementation of computer-assisted tests and exams, it will influence making the students' knowledge verification process more practical. The use of TIK will make the didactic process more efficient by more effective feedback management, both by the teachers and the students, on the effectiveness of the didactic process. The use of modern information and communication technologies (TIK) in the verification of students' knowledge and skills is currently a worldwide standard ensuring high effectiveness of medical staff education and is currently used in the best medical universities in the world, as it enables making tests, exams and other forms of checking the students' knowledge more practical due to the possibility to use questions containing multimedia images, sounds or videos.
Wydatek współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego na lata 2014-2020.