Conducting comprehensive epidemiological studies on the diet and nutritional status of Polish society, with particular emphasis on the elderly,with the identification of risk factors for eating disorders, assessment of the level of physical activity (...)

Project Title
Przeprowadzenie kompleksowych badań epidemiologicznych dotyczących sposobu żywienia i stanu odżywienia społeczeństwa polskiego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem osób w wieku podeszłym, wraz z identyfikacją czynników ryzyka zaburzeń odżywiania, oceną poziomu aktywności fizycznej, poziomu wiedzy żywieniowej oraz występowania nierówności w zdrowiu.
Full English translation: Conducting comprehensive epidemiological studies on the diet and nutritional status of Polish society, with particular emphasis on the elderly, along with the identification of risk factors for eating disorders, assessment of the level of physical activity, the level of nutritional knowledge and the occurrence of health inequalities.
Financing Institution
prof. Bolesław Samoliński
Project Objective

The main aim of the study is to illustrate the current health situation of seniors in terms of nutrition and the level of physical activity. This knowledge will be used to create the health policy of the country in relation to the population of seniors in the field of the prevention of diet-related diseases, as well as to determine the need for health services related to diet-related diseases. The obtained results will also be used to design preventive and educational activities. They will be used to identify nutritional and lifestyle-related (e.g. physical activity) risk factors for health. They will be used in monitoring carried out by European Union bodies and in the studies of the World Health Organization. The study will allow to identify the existing health inequalities depending on gender and region of the country, and to learn about the knowledge of the elderly population about proper nutrition and physical activity. With regard to the study group (people aged 65 and over), the epidemiological study will allow the following objectives to be achieved: • assessment of diet, • assessment of nutritional status, • identification of risk factors for disorders of nutritional status, • assessment of the level of physical activity, • assessment of the level of knowledge nutritional, • determining the occurrence of inequalities in health in the above-mentioned range in the study group.