Polish Medical Platform (Polska Platforma Medyczna): knowledge management and research potential portal
Project implemented under the Operational Program Digital Poland, Priority II, Measure 2.3 - Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information, Sub-measure 2.3.1 - Digital access to public sector information from administrative sources and science resources. The main goal of the project is to make available the science resources of 7 Polish medical universities and a research institute digitally by depositing them on project servers in electronic form and providing them with metadata, as well as making them available on the Internet in formats adapted to machine processing. The created Polish Medical Platform will constitute a comprehensive system for managing information on publications, scientific achievements and research. The project leader is the Piastów Śląskich Medical University in Wrocław. The consortium includes the Medical University of Warsaw, the Medical University of Białystok, the Medical University of Gdańsk, the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, the Medical University of Lublin, the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, the Prof. Jerzy Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź.
More information on: http://projekt.ppm.edu.pl
Video promoting the potential of the Polish Medical Platform - https://youtu.be/pmWMwTSCcT0
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