Circular RNAs, new biomarkers panel and machine learning in prediction of acute kidney injury prediction in adult, hematoacnological patients

Project Title
Koliste RNA, nowy panel biomarkerów oraz nauczania maszynowe w predykcji ostrego uszkodzenia nerek u dorosłych pacjentów hematoonkologicznych.
Financing Institution
prof. dr hab. Jolanta Małyszko
Project Objective

The aim of this study is to check the presence and dynamics of changes in new biomarkers in urine and blood in the early stage of acute kidney injury in hematooncological patients and to develop an artificial intelligence algorithm that allows for faster and more effective detection of this syndrome based on the collected data. One of the most promising biomarkers of kidney damage are circular RNAs, which, due to their structure, are highly stable in the urine and blood of patients, which makes them easier to detect. The research planned in the project will allow to determine whether the selected panel of biomarkers and the designed algorithm are effective in this group of patients. Based on the available literature and scientific research, the project included biomarkers that were found in the urine or blood of patients with kidney damage in the course of cancer.