"Horizon for Excellence in messenger RNA applications in immunoOncology”

The primary objective of the Task is to develop a highly effective therapeutic mRNA design and apply it for cancer immunotherapy. Since new drug or new technology development is a multistep process, there are several intermediate goals (we also envisage alterative solutions).
In particular:
• Our aim is to improve the stability and translation efficiency of linear mRNA therapeutics thanks to the identification and utilization of optimal sequence and chemical composition of the poly(A) tails in the 3’ end of the RNA.
• As an alternative approach for the therapeutic mRNA design, we will use circular mRNAs – we will develop efficient strategies for their large-scale synthesis and to improve their translation potential.
• We aim to provide proof-of-concept data on the innovative strategies for cancer immunotherapy, which are based on mRNA vaccines and the expression of allogenic MHC molecules and AIRE transcription regulator.
• We also aim to develop analytical tools that will be used to select the best therapeutic mRNA design and serve as a general quality control step for all types of mRNA therapeutics.