Learn about the secrets of human body in 21st century anatomical theatre

Project Title
Poznaj tajemnice ciała ludzkiego w teatrze anatomicznym XXI w
dr n. hum. Adam Tyszkiewicz
Poznaj tajemnice ciała ludzkiego w teatrze anatomicznym XXI w
Project Objective

The aim of the work is to share among young people and adults the current knowledge about human anatomy, so as to raise the social awareness of how human organism works, raise the interest of potential recipients in medical science, stimulate their curiosity through presentation of knowledge not only from the perspective of medical sciences, but also humanities. This project is also to make the audience acquainted with the figures of outstanding Polish anatomists, whose biographies are connected both with scientific activity and serving the country in a wider perspective. We wish to make available to all the interested persons a modern hall stylized as a modern anatomical theatre, which will be an educational space using modern technical solutions – 3D mapping, and at the same time bringing closer the history and tradition of medical sciences.