Opening research space through digitisation of the collection of the Carol and Mary Hospital in Warsaw

Project Title
Otwieranie przestrzeni badawczej przez cyfryzację zbiorów Szpitala im Karola i Marii w Warszawie
mgr Irmina Utrata
Otwieranie przestrzeni badawczej przez cyfryzację zbiorów Szpitala im Karola i Marii w Warszawie
Project Objective

The aim of the project is the digitisation, formal and material preparation and sharing on the Internet of the unique collection of books and brochures owned by the library of the Carol and Mary Hospital in Warsaw for the Children of Zofia Szlenkierówna Foundation. Open access to the prepared materials will be provided via the website of the Digital Library of the Medical University of Warsaw and the online catalogue of the MUW Main Library, where, apart from the descriptive meta-data there will also be included access links to the digitizers.