Impact on Economy

Please, read  Manual for Experts and Evaluated Entities on the Description of Scientific Activity Impact on the Functioning of Society and Economy

3rd Criterion

The new evaluation model introduces to the system a new criterion for qualitative evaluation of scientific activity: impact of scientific activity on the functioning of society and economy.

Within the framework of the new system, impact evaluation is carried out based on “impact descriptions” including a proven relationship between the most important results of scientific research, developmental works or artistic work and economy, functioning of public administration, healthcare, culture and art, natural environment protection, state security and defence or other factors affecting the civilisational development of society. This relationship should be proven, in particular in the form of scientific publications, reports and citations in other documents and publications. It is important that the impact criterion refer to scientific research, and not political or journalistic activity of researchers, and that the manner of their reporting by universities show a clear link between the results of scientific activity and intersubjectively verified change observed beyond the academy.

The number of impact descriptions shall depend on the N number. In the event that the N number of employees conducting scientific activity under a given scientific discipline is lower than 100, the entity will have to submit for evaluation 2 impact descriptions; if the N number ranges from 101 to 200 – 3 impact descriptions; if the N number ranges from 201 to 300 – 4 impact descriptions, and if the N number exceeds 300 – 5 impact descriptions.

Number of impact descriptions and proves in a discipline


Medical science:

5 descriptions

(N number = 804.33, above 300)

25 impact proves

(5 per description)

Pharmaceutical sciences:

3 descriptions

(N number = 111.35, not higher than 200)

15 impact proves

(5 per description)

Health sciences:

2 descriptions

(N number = 95,28, not higher than 100)

10 impact proves

(5 per description)

 Status for June 2021


As part of the assessment of the impact description, points are awarded for:



50 points – international

50 points – breakthrough

40 points – national

25 points – significant

30 points – regional

10 points – limited

20 points – local

0 points – marginal or evidence without relationship with the research conducted, research results with no connection with economy, functioning of healthcare (…)
0 points – marginal or evidence without relationship with the research conducted, research results with no connection with economy, functioning of healthcare (…)


The possibility to submit impact descriptions referring to the results of scientific activity conducted both in the period of 4 years subject to evaluation and before this period subject to evaluation is a characteristic feature of this criterion. As for the latter, the activity shall be completed not earlier than in the twentieth year preceding the first year subject to evaluation. For instance, for the first period subject to evaluation according to the new rules, i.e. the period 2017-2020, it will be possible to include scientific activity (e.g. research results) completed in 1997 or in the following years. However, in the period subject to evaluation, there should be revealed the impact of such scientific activity.

The head of entity shall introduce to the POL-on system impact descriptions including the following information:

  • main authors of scientific research, developmental works or name of entity established for the purpose of commercialisation of scientific activity results or know-how related to those results, the period of conducting the scientific activity or the period of conducting activity related to commercialisation carried out by established for the purpose of commercialisation,
  • main conclusions from the scientific research or developmental works or activity related to commercialisation, being of key importance for creating an impact on society and economy and for scientific research and developmental works, also data regarding the most important scientific articles and scientific monographs in which those conclusions were published,
  • characteristics of the impact of the scientific activity or activity related to commercialisation on those areas, indicating the social group that is the beneficiary of this impact,
  • indication of impact proves of the scientific activity or activity related to commercialisation on those areas with the date of their appearance,
  • the discipline to which the impact description refers.

The new evaluation model assumes that the great importance of the “social impact” criterion in the process of the qualitative evaluation of scientific activity may have very positive effects for the Polish science, through e.g. strengthening of the scientific research having an impact on the functioning of society and economy, increase in legitimation of scientific research in the pursue of raising the amount of public outlays on scientific research within the structure of public spending (in relations to the GDP).

Material prepared based on: "Ewaluacja jakości działalności naukowej - przewodnik" (Eng.Qualitative Evaluation of Scientific Activity)