
Monographs from the years 2017-2020

Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MEiN) of 22 July 2021

Scientific monographs

The rules of awarding points for co-authorship of publications being scientific monographs, scientific monographs under academic supervision or chapters in monographs under supervision are slightly easier than when it comes to scientific articles.   Analogically to articles, the number of points awarded for co-authorship of publication depends in this case on:

-        the number of points assigned to a monograph (above all, in connection with the number of points assigned to the publisher that published the monograph in the ministry’s list of publishers publishing scientific monographs);

-    the number of authors or supervisors that authorised a given entity to include the monograph, monograph supervision or a chapter in a given discipline (“k” number);

-     number of all co-authors or co-supervisors – both the ones who are the employees of the entity subject to evaluation, and those from outside of that entity (“m” number).


For monographs published by a publisher that has 80 points assigned in the ministry’s list (or – for publishers not included in the list – monographs to which 20 or 80 points were assigned), the score is the result of multiplication of the (k/m) value by the number of points awarded for authorship of a given monograph, supervision or authorship of a chapter. The points awarded for co-authorship or co-supervision may not be, however, lower than 10% of the point value awarded for one-person authorship or one-person supervision of such a type of monographs. Whereas, for monographs published by the most prestigious publishers that in the ministry’s list have 200 points assigned, the rules of awarding points give bonus points for interdisciplinary and multi-centre publications. The number of points for co-authorship or co-supervision is in such a case equal to the maximum number of points for a given publication.   In the disciplines from the field of humanities, social sciences and theological sciences, the maximum number of points is 300.


Similarly to co-authorship of articles published in scientific journals, also when it comes to co-authorship of monographs, there exists a very large number of possible combinations related to awarding points for such a type of publications.




List of publishers supervised scientific monographs

                Supervised scientific monographs, chapters in supervised scientific monographs as well as academic supervision of such monographs are – just like scientific articles – included in the evaluation and assessed by means of applying the prestige inheritance principle. It should be remembered here that, within the meaning of the ordinance on the qualitative evaluation of scientific activity, a monograph is also a translation into Polish, supervised and with a research apparatus, of a work significant for science and culture as well as a translation of such a work published in Polish to another modern language, as well as scientific editing of source texts.

Awarding points for scientific monographs published by a publisher from the ministry’s list

                 According to the prestige inheritance principle, a supervised scientific monograph shall receive the number of points which was awarded to its publisher in the list:

- publishers from 1st level (fulfilling the ethical and scientific publishing standards) shall receive 80 points;

- publishers from 2nd level (recognised in the international scientific circles as a leading one) shall receive 200 points. Therefore, supervised scientific monograph shall receive the number of points corresponding with the level assigned to the publisher of the monograph, i.e. respectively 80 or 200 points.

Supervision over scientific monographs

                Depending on whether the publisher is classified in the ministry’s list at the 1st or 2nd level, the supervision of a scientific monograph published by such a publisher shall be awarded 20 or 100 points (respectively – for the 1st level and 2nd level).

               For the supervision over any other scientific monograph published by a publisher not included in the ministry’s list, 5 points shall be awarded.


 It was assumed that a maximum of 2 publication slots related to authorship of a monograph, scientific supervision of a monograph or authorship of a chapter in a monograph, being the effect of each researcher’s work, are included in the evaluation.

Limit of publications assigned to an entity

 This limit is 5% of the 3N number.

Material prepared based on "Ocena jakości działalności naukowej - przewodnik" (Eng. Qualitative Evaluation of Scientific Activity- Guidebook)