
The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalisation of Polish institutions of science and higher education.

The National Contact Point invites future applicants to the next edition of the workshop in writing applications for the grants of the European Research Council (ERC).
Europejska Rada ds. Badań Naukowych (ERC) podała planowane daty kolejnych konkursów na 2023 rok. Konkursy: Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant, Synergy Grant
Experts from the National Contact Point at the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) provide guidelines on how to use the best research infrastructures in Europe for free.
Scheduled dates of the call for joint applications in the leading agencies
MINIATURA 6 call is for a single research activity carried out in one of the following forms: preliminary/pilot studies, library and archive searches, fellowships, research visits and/or consultations.
The Award highlights the benefits of Polish-French scientific cooperation. . It will be awarded for the second time to a pair of cooperating scientists from Poland and France in recognition of their joint research achievements that have contributed to strengthening the scientific cooperation between the two countries.

The Ministry of Health and the National Agency for International Exchange announce the call for applications under the third edition of the Walczak <