Chafea/2019/Health/07 Concerning the Provision of Options and Recommendations for an EU Citizens’ Vaccination Card

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Przedmiot konkursu
The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (henceforth "CHAFEA" or "the Contracting Authority"), acting under the powers delegated by the European Commission (henceforth "the Commission"), is launching the present invitation to tender for the conclusion of a service contract (henceforth "the contract").
The purpose of this contract is to examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card for EU citizens. Based on a mapping of existing vaccination cards (work package 1), the contractor shall develop, test and evaluate proposals for an EU citizens’ vaccination card that takes into account potentially different national vaccination schedules; that is interoperable with EU Member States’ Immunisation Information Systems (IIS); and that is common to all EU Member States and usable across borders (work package 2).