The importance of tissue lipid oxidation in the neoplastic process, including dietary supplementation with selected plant raw materials - preliminary studies on a breast cancer model.

Project Title
Znaczenie oksydacji lipidów tkankowych w procesie nowotworowym z uwzględnieniem suplementacji diety wybranymi surowcami roślinnymi – badania wstępne na modelu raka sutka.
Nazwa Kliniki/Zakładu
Zakład Bromatologii
Financing Institution
dr hab. Agnieszka Białek
Project Objective

The planned research is an original attempt to determine the effect of the addition of Punica granatum seed oil and water extract of Momordica charantia dried fruit, introduced into the diet, separately or jointly, on the intensity of lipid oxidation processes in selected tissues of rats. Previous studies on these raw materials, which are rich sources of many bioactive compounds, including conjugated linolenic acid trienes (CLnA), do not clearly indicate the direction of these interactions. A completely new element of the research task is an attempt to explain the course of lipid oxidation processes in a physiological and pathological state (carcinogenesis). The added value, significantly increasing the scientific value of the project, is the analysis of the simultaneous use of raw materials with a potential anti-cancer effect, which may contribute to explaining their potential synergistic or antagonistic activity in the context of the dynamics of lipid oxidation processes in animals.