Development and validation of a new form of therapy of inflammation and neoplastic diseases of the colon with inflammation based on gold (III) complexes.

Project Title
Opracowanie i walidacja nowej formy terapii stanów zapalnych i chorób nowotworowych jelita grubego o podłożu zapalnym w oparciu o kompleksy złota (III).
Financing Institution
prof. dr hab. Jakub Jerzy Fichna Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi -Lider, mgr Przemysław Taciak -Partner WUM
Project Objective

Non-specific inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer are an extremely serious health problem in the human population. The aim of the research is to design and/validate a new form of therapy of non-specific inflammatory diseases and colon cancer with the use of innovative gold complexes. The research is in line with the current trend in designing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer compounds based on metal particles, enriching this group with lipid derivatives. The project aims to characterize the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of the parent compound - TGS, which is a gold (III) complex, in animal models.. The next stage of the research will consist in designing derivatives of the starting compound in which the gold (III) complex will be combined with lipid fragments. From among the newly synthesized compounds, based on the ex vivo test designed specifically for this project, 1-2 derivatives with potential anti-inflammatory activity will be selected for further research, and their anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor efficacy will also be confirmed in animal models. The last stage of the research involves in vitro and in silico tests, the aim of which will be to try to determine the mechanism of action of the new complexes. The results of the conducted research will allow to create the basis for a new form of therapy of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the large intestine based on innovative gold (III) complexes by our Consortium. An added value will be the development of a new ex vivo diagnostic test that will allow for a quick and reliable assessment of the potential anti-inflammatory properties of various compounds. The results will also be used to develop the scientific career of one of the researchers participating in the project, constituting the basis for his doctoral dissertation.