Immunomodulatory effects of sildenafil citrate in women with recurrent miscarriages.

Project Title
Działanie immunomodulacyjne cytrynianiu sildenafilu u kobiet z nawracającymi poronieniami.
Financing Institution
dr Monika Kniotek
Project Objective

The aim of this project is to test how sildenafil modulates the immune response of the future mother. As part of the project, research is being carried out on the effect of sildenafil on induced temporal NK cells (idNK), NKT cells, Th1 / Th2 / Th17 cells and regulatory lymphocytes - Treg. Drugs that reduce the activity of NK cells or inflammatory factors, as well as immunomodulators that do not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, are the future of therapy for recurrent abortions caused by the immune system. We are constantly looking for substances that reduce the activity of NK cells in peripheral blood. Expected results: The elucidation of the mechanism responsible for the beneficial effects of sildenafil in the treatment of habitual miscarriages may, in the future, enable the widespread use of sildenafil in therapy, and may also help to identify other more effective drugs in this group of patients. The above-described studies may also help to better define the target group of patients qualified for sildenafil treatment.