Genetic portrait of the perpetrator and the victim of a crime - development of a system for determining human appearance and biogeographic origin through DNA analysis using next-generation sequencing (NGS)

Project Title
Genetyczny portret sprawcy oraz ofiary przestępstwa – opracowanie systemu do określania wyglądu człowieka i pochodzenia biogeograficznego poprzez analizę DNA z wykorzystaniem sekwencjonowania następnej generacji (NGS).
prof. dr hab. Rafał Płoski
Project Objective

The project received funding from the National Center for Research and Development under the Program for National Defense and Security. The project leader is the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police. The consortium includes the Medical University of Warsaw, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, the Police Academy in Szczytno, RX FFW sp. special-purpose company with its seat in Poznań. The aim of the project is to develop an innovative predictive system for the analysis of biological traces and human remains, which will consist of a genetic test enabling the analysis of selected genetic markers and mathematical models. Their use will allow to obtain information about the appearance and biogeographic origin of humans. The project will use next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) as a fundamental research technology, in line with the latest trends in modern forensic genetics. The final product will be a complete research procedure and validated operator-friendly software for processing and interpreting the data obtained.