Variability within the osteoprotegerin gene as a risk factor for the diabetic foot syndrome in the population of diabetic patients

Project Title
Zmienność w obrębie genu osteoprotegeryny jako czynnik ryzyka zespołu stopy cukrzycowej w populacji chorych z cukrzycą.
Financing Institution
dr Piotr Nehring
Project Objective

Diabetic foot syndrome (DFU) - is a serious complication of long-lasting diabetes, occurring in more than 15% of patients with diabetes mellitus (ncuropathy and peripheral arterial diseases are the main factors of phalcyclic / SC). Depending on the predominant etiological factor, DFU is divided into types: neuropathic DFU, vascular DFU and mixed type. The research hypothesis is the existence of variability within the Osteoprotegerin gene affecting the frequency of particular types of diabetic foot syndrome. The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of OPG polymorphisms in patients with type 2 diabetes, diabetic foot syndrome of neuropathic, vascular and mixed etiology and Charcot neuroarthropathy.