COMPETENCES-WORK-SUCCESS Strengthening the teaching potential of the University by improving the competences of MUW students as an element increasing their chances on the labor market.

Project Title
KOMPETENCJE-PRACA-SUKCES Wzmocnienie potencjału dydaktycznego Uczelni poprzez podnoszenie kompetencji studentów WUM jako element zwiększający ich szanse na rynku pracy.
dr hab. n. o zdr. Joanna Gotlib
Project Objective

COMPETENCES-WORK-SUCCESS is an innovative didactic project addressed to students of the last years of studies in medicine (6th year) and nursing (3rd year of 1st degree studies). The aim of the project is to better prepare future graduates to enter the labour market through targeted strengthening of the potential and attractiveness of the MUW graduate.
Thanks to participation in the project, participants will acquire PROFESSIONAL, COMMUNICATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, IT AND ANALYTICAL COMPETENCES
Each participant of the project has the opportunity to learn their starting potential, which will be assessed on the basis of an individual competence profile prepared. Such action allows for providing support in selected areas, which ensures high effectiveness of education. Properly selected staff of trainers and specially designed scenarios of classes allow for providing support in the development of selected professional, communication, IT, analytical and entrepreneurial competences.
Project participants have the opportunity to take advantage of various forms of classes, such as: workshops, certified training, tasks in project teams and study visits to employers.
EXPECTED RESULTS: An increase in professional, communication, IT, analytical and entrepreneurial competences of students of the Medical University of Warsaw. The implementation of the project will initiate the process of adjusting the education program of MUW students in terms of improving competences, in line with the expectations of employers. The project includes the organization of workshops in 5 thematic blocks, classes in project teams, e-learning, certified training - 6 topics and study visits. The sustainability of the project will be maintained, because the activities initiated under the project to support the growth of competences among students will be continued at the University in 50% at least for a period of 2 years after the end of the project.
As a result, at least 40% of university graduates covered by the project will continue their education (1st, 2nd or 3rd degree studies) or take up employment/self-employment within 6 months of completing their education and will keep them for at least 3 months (for employment contracts for at least part-time positions).